July 25, 2024
Editorial: State System tuition freeze a relief for students, families
Contact: Kevin Hensil, khensil@passhe.edu
Harrisburg, PA – For the seventh consecutive year, the in-state tuition rate will be frozen for students at the 10 public universities in Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (PASSHE).
The Board of Governors on July 17 unanimously voted to freeze tuition for the 2024-25 academic year.
The Sunbury Daily Item posted the editorial “State system tuition freeze a relief for students, families” supporting the tuition freeze.
By keeping tuition the same since 2018-19, students save nearly 25% compared to the tuition price if it had risen at the inflation rate for the last six years.
The editorial begins:
“As higher education costs continue to skyrocket, affordable and accessible options within Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education remain a real option for commonwealth residents considering college.”
The editorial continues:
“Pennsylvania’s state system has long been a launching pad for young Pennsylvanians, especially in fields such as education and nursing, industries that continue to suffer through worker shortages. More incentives are being added by state leaders to draw even more students into those professions including scholarships, grants and apprenticeships.”
The editorial notes the tuition freezes benefit students and the System’s long-term viability:
“I think we’ve done the right thing for our students,” Sam Smith, vice chair of the PASSHE board, said.
“As thousands of more students access these high-quality and affordable options, that is hard to argue.”