System Redesign

Project Progress 

Progress - 98%  

System Redesign Teams 

The System Redesign project has formalized a project structure to define completion of the overall implementation plan. The project structure and team charges are defined below. The composition of each team was intentionally designed to be cross-functional, representing different perspectives across campuses as well as a mix of institutional characteristics (big/small, east/west, etc) where possible.


University Success Teams

Budget Team

Ensure that the System’s budget process results in consistent application of terms, guidelines and expectations by all universities to result in reliable, consistent, and realistic projections based on audited financial data and used to predict changes in financial position over the budget year(s). Realign the System’s allocation of state general fund and capital appropriations to the new budget planning and investment process.

Investment Team

Establish a strategic investment strategy to improve System performance toward its goals for a sharing system whose hallmarks are student and university success. 

Academic Success Teams

Collaborative PASSHE Team

Develop and implement a cross-institutional delivery of academic programs identified by the Chief Academic Officers (and backed by an analysis of related data) as having significant capacity at individual institutions to ensure students timely completion.

Online Pathways Team

Assess need, readiness and potential return on investment for Online Pathways, an online system-wide consortium for recruitment, student-support services, and single and multi-university online pathways, that will advance online degree completion and workforce development especially for post-traditional students who have attained some college credits but not a desired degree. Make recommendations for developing, implementing and assessing Online Pathways, including goals and strategies, investment needs (fiscal, human, data, and technology), quality assurance, labor relations and policy solutions, special program and regional accreditation challenges and solutions, student services, budget models, strategic partnerships, assessments, and implementation plan and timeline.

Developmental Education Team

Review current approaches to meeting developmental education needs via adaptive learning platforms and other methods for potential broader system-wide implementation through shared services.

Student Affairs & Enrollment Management Teams

Holistic Advising Team

Review and research university specific advising approaches and national best practices, as well as to identify components of holistic advising, relevant technologies, and means for assessment that can be tested and replicated across the State System to improve student and university success measures. The work will be scaffolded by first building an evidence base of research and data followed by understanding of short term and long-term innovations that increase student and university success measures, then pilots that can test those hypotheses. 

Workforce Readiness Team

Identify discipline specific competencies that map to career specific competencies for students preparing to enter the workforce should obtain to prepare them for employment and future growth. The group will identify components of workforce readiness, relevant technologies, and means for assessment that can be tested and replicated across universities within the State System to improve on student and university success measures. The work will be scaffolded by first building an evidence base of research and data followed by understanding of short term and long-term innovations that increase student and university success measures, then pilots that can test those hypotheses. 

Financial Aid and Affordability Team

Review and research barriers and proven successes to affordability, develop innovative strategies for awarding financial aid, and make recommendations that can be tested and replicated which positively impact State System student and university success measures. The work will be scaffolded by first building an evidence base of research and data followed by understanding of short term and long-term innovations that increase student and university success measures, then pilots that can test those hypotheses.

Mental Health and Wellness Team

Review and research efforts on the growing mental health crisis and present innovative recommendations that can be tested and replicated and that proactively address student mental health needs with outcomes that positively impact State System student and university success measures. The work will be scaffolded by first building an evidence base of research and data followed by understanding of short term and long-term innovations that increase student and university success measures, then pilots that can test those hypotheses.