Available to full-time permanent employees, including temporary faculty employed for
a one-academic year contract, and permanent part-time employees, including temporary
faculty employed for a one-academic year contract, who work 50% time. A flexible spending
account or dependent care assistance program governed by the IRS Code, allow employees
to have income withheld from their paychecks before taxes for eventual reimbursement
of certain health care and child care expenses.
Important Plan Notes
- FSA is an annual election (January 1 - December 31) and must be elected each year.
If you are a new employee electing the plan mid-year, the amount elected will be spread
out over the remaining pays of the calendar year.
- Your entire election for Health Care FSA is available to you at the beginning of the
year to pay for qualifying expenses. The Day Care FSA funds are available to you as
you contribute to the plan.
- While both plans are considered an FSA, the main difference between the Health Care
FSA and the Day Care FSA is how the plan is used.
- The Health Care FSA is for all of your eligible dependents (you, your spouse, and your federal tax dependents) medical, dental, vision, or prescription expenses.
- The Day Care FSA is for eligible dependents (age 12 and under) day care, summer camp, or elder care expenses.
- The State System offers a carryover for the Health Care FSA, which permits participants
to rollover a limited amount of unused Health Care FSA funds into the following calendar
year. (see Maximum Carryover amount listed below). Any remaining balances exceeding
the carryover limit will be forfeited. There is no carryover for the Day Care FSA.
Carryover and Run-Out Information
FSA Options
Health Care FSA Provide tax savings for you, your spouse, and your federal tax dependents on your out-of-pocket medical, dental, vision, or prescription expenses not paid by
insurance. Maximum Election for 2025 - $3,200 Maximum Carryover: 2024 into 2025 - $610 2025 into 2026 - $640
- Copays for Prescriptions or Doctor Office Visits
- Dental Care or Braces
- Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, or Laser Vision Correction
- Eligible Over-the-Counter Items
Day Care FSA A welcome money saver for today’s working parents. It allows you to set aside pre-tax
money for eligible dependents (age 12 and under) day care expenses so you can work. Maximum Election for 2025 - $5,000 No Carryover to the next plan year.
- Day Care
- Summer Camp
- Before/After School Programs
- Elder Care
Open Enrollment is now closed.
FSA Open Enrollment is October 14, 2024 through November 1, 2024. If you would like
a 2025 FSA, you are required to enroll annually. It is important to understand the difference between FSA plan options; please review
the information above. Enrollment is completed through the self-service system, Fiori
at https://workplace.passhe.edu/.
How to Enroll
The FSA plan must be elected annually each year. FSA elections should be made through the Self-Service Workplace, FIORI during Fall Open Enrollment. Employees should elect coverage in annual (calendar
year) amounts which is divided by your pay frequency.
Enroll Now Self-Service Directions
Administered by Optum Financial
Customer Service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Changing FSA/DC FSA Elections
Within 60 days of a qualifying event, you must submit a Change in Status/Election Form and supporting documentation to your employer. Upon the approval of your election
change request, your existing elections will be stopped or modified (as appropriate).
Other events, such as change in child care expenses, may qualify to change your election
HSA Reminder
A health savings account (HSA) is available to an eligible individual who has high
deductible health coverage as long as the individual has no other impermissible health
coverage. A general purpose FSA is impermissible and renders an individual ineligible to make
contributions to an HSA even when it’s their spouse enrolled in a general purpose FSA. The State System does
not offer an HSA plan but if your spouse is enrolled in an HSA plan offered by their
employer, this may impact your FSA enrollment.
FSA Plan Documentation
Flexible Benefits Plan Document
FSA Summary Plan Description - Dependent Care
FSA Summary Plan Description - Health Care